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Videos Library

Cambodia has ambitious renewable energy plans, which includes 70 per cent of its energy coming from renewable sources by 2030. Australia is committed to working with Cambodia to support its clean energy transition and meet its goals. Recently, Australia supported a delegation to visit Australia to learn about our experience in integrating variable renewable energy. We spoke with Dr Darith, Deputy Chief of the National Control Center at Electricité du Cambodge, who was part of the delegation to hear about his experience. Check out what he had to say about the visit.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 70% of jobs in Cambodia. However, only about 13% are formalised, hindering productivity, access to finance and markets, and government support. Australia, through the CAPRED program, collaborated with the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) to develop a digital public service portal for SMEs, handicrafts and industry to apply for licenses. This platform helps foster business formalisation, improve enterprise capacity and productivity, and promote economic growth and increased foreign direct investment. To ensure the online platform’s applicability and usability, CAPRED and MISTI conducted a Consultation and User Testing workshop with representatives from SMEs, handicrafts, and industries. The resulting inputs and feedback were integrated into the platform’s development ahead of the June 2024 launch. Check out the workshop video to learn more.

Congratulations to Ms Sorkunthika Srour, Farm Hero Co-founder and CEO, and seven other small and growing business founders on their continued journey with the CNai Accelerator program, supported by the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) program. The CNai program marked its first key milestone with a pitching event. After two months of engaging in business workshops and applied learning, participants presented their business missions and plans for feedback to an experienced panel. This event helped assess their business readiness for the next phase. Watch to hear from CNai participants on their experience and takeaways.

Access to clean water reduces poverty, supports economic growth and environmental sustainability. It also has the power to change lives. For Narun, a visually impaired father in Cambodia, access to clean water has improved the quality of his family’s life.

Today we reflect on the UN theme, Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress. Australia supports investing in women, women’s rights organisations and feminist change-makers to end inequalities.

Australia’s flagship economic development program, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED), organised a study trip for engineers-in-training to a water treatment plant in Kampong Cham province.

The Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) has worked with government agencies, the private sector and development partners to develop a comprehensive 5-year strategy that aligns with the Royal Government of Cambodia’s Pentagonal Strategy and Australia’s new International Development Policy.

Through its flagship economic development program, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED), Australia is collaborating with CDRI on a landmark study to help Cambodia identify reforms needed to address challenges and seize opportunities to achieve its 2030 development agenda and beyond.

Australia is a founding partner of Clean Energy Week – the biggest showcase of clean energy in Cambodia. We are supporting Cambodia’s clean energy transition and improved energy efficiency through our flagship economic development program, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED).

Australia Invests in Cambodian Engineers for a Gre...

Cambodia has ambitious renewable energy plans, which includes 70 per cent of its energy coming from renewable sources by 2030. Australia is committed to working with Cambodia to support its clean energy transition and meet its goals. Recently, Australia supported a delegation to visit Australia to learn about our experience in integrating variable renewable energy. We spoke with Dr Darith, Deputy Chief of the National Control Center at Electricité du Cambodge, who was part of the delegation to hear about his experience. Check out what he had to say about the visit.

Australia Workshops Cambodian Enterprises on New D...

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 70% of jobs in Cambodia. However, only about 13% are formalised, hindering productivity, access to finance and markets, and government support. Australia, through the CAPRED program, collaborated with the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) to develop a digital public service portal for SMEs, handicrafts and industry to apply for licenses. This platform helps foster business formalisation, improve enterprise capacity and productivity, and promote economic growth and increased foreign direct investment. To ensure the online platform’s applicability and usability, CAPRED and MISTI conducted a Consultation and User Testing workshop with representatives from SMEs, handicrafts, and industries. The resulting inputs and feedback were integrated into the platform’s development ahead of the June 2024 launch. Check out the workshop video to learn more.

From Training to Pitching: Australia Propels Cambo...

Congratulations to Ms Sorkunthika Srour, Farm Hero Co-founder and CEO, and seven other small and growing business founders on their continued journey with the CNai Accelerator program, supported by the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) program. The CNai program marked its first key milestone with a pitching event. After two months of engaging in business workshops and applied learning, participants presented their business missions and plans for feedback to an experienced panel. This event helped assess their business readiness for the next phase. Watch to hear from CNai participants on their experience and takeaways.

Australia pilots support for Cambodia’s cashew pro...

Australia supports Cambodia to bolster gender equa...

Australia positions Cambodia's cashew producers fo...

World Water Day: Australia helps to transform live...

Access to clean water reduces poverty, supports economic growth and environmental sustainability. It also has the power to change lives. For Narun, a visually impaired father in Cambodia, access to clean water has improved the quality of his family’s life.

Happy International Women’s Day!

Today we reflect on the UN theme, Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress. Australia supports investing in women, women’s rights organisations and feminist change-makers to end inequalities.

Australia builds capacity of young water engineers...

Australia’s flagship economic development program, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED), organised a study trip for engineers-in-training to a water treatment plant in Kampong Cham province.

Australia and Cambodia partner for resilient, sust...

The Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) has worked with government agencies, the private sector and development partners to develop a comprehensive 5-year strategy that aligns with the Royal Government of Cambodia’s Pentagonal Strategy and Australia’s new International Development Policy.

Australia Supports Cambodia's 2030 Development Age...

Through its flagship economic development program, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED), Australia is collaborating with CDRI on a landmark study to help Cambodia identify reforms needed to address challenges and seize opportunities to achieve its 2030 development agenda and beyond.

Join us for Cambodia Clean Energy Week (CEW) 2023,...

Australia is a founding partner of Clean Energy Week – the biggest showcase of clean energy in Cambodia. We are supporting Cambodia’s clean energy transition and improved energy efficiency through our flagship economic development program, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED).

Documents Library

Provincial Investment Plan for Piped Water Supply in Cambodia

This publication has been funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development

The Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) is Australia’s flagship economic development program in Cambodia. Funded by the Australian Government, CAPRED is an A$87 million five-year initiative (2022–2027).



CAPRED Strategy

This document outlines the strategy for implementing the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) Facility, a five-year initiative (2022-2027) with a possible three-year extension. CAPRED is Australia’s flagship economic development program in Cambodia, building on a long history of support. It represents Australia’s commitment to Cambodia’s long-term development, transitioning from direct aid delivery to a partnership-based approach. Funded by the Australian Government with a budget of AUD87 million, CAPRED is implemented by Cowater International. Its focus is on resilient, inclusive, and sustainable economic development for Cambodia.


The Royal Government of Cambodia has taken several steps to promote global trade, including the launch of the Rectangular Strategy - Phase 4 of the National Assembly, which focuses on economic development through diversification and competitiveness.

Australia's Support to the Cambodian Rice Sector

Australia’s support to the Cambodian rice sector Australia has provided longstanding support to Cambodia’s agriculture sector since the 1960s when it started sending agricultural experts to improve rice-based research. Other key collaborations include the establishment of the Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) in 1999, a strong partnership with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), and the Cambodia-Australia Agricultural Value Chain Program (CAVAC), which concluded in 2022. In July 2022, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) was launched as Australia’s flagship AUD87 million economic development program. CAPRED aims to support the Royal Government of Cambodia to build sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic growth.

Provincial Investment Plan for Piped Water Supply in Cambodia

This publication has been funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Provincial Investment Plan for Piped Water Supply...

Provincial Investment Plan for Piped Water Supply in Cambodia

This publication has been funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Econo...

Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development

The Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) is Australia’s flagship economic development program in Cambodia. Funded by the Australian Government, CAPRED is an A$87 million five-year initiative (2022–2027).




CAPRED Strategy

CAPRED Strategy

This document outlines the strategy for implementing the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) Facility, a five-year initiative (2022-2027) with a possible three-year extension. CAPRED is Australia’s flagship economic development program in Cambodia, building on a long history of support. It represents Australia’s commitment to Cambodia’s long-term development, transitioning from direct aid delivery to a partnership-based approach. Funded by the Australian Government with a budget of AUD87 million, CAPRED is implemented by Cowater International. Its focus is on resilient, inclusive, and sustainable economic development for Cambodia.

Cambodia and Unlocking Global Markets by Leveragin...


The Royal Government of Cambodia has taken several steps to promote global trade, including the launch of the Rectangular Strategy - Phase 4 of the National Assembly, which focuses on economic development through diversification and competitiveness.

Australia's Support to the Cambodian Rice Sector

Australia's Support to the Cambodian Rice Sector

Australia’s support to the Cambodian rice sector Australia has provided longstanding support to Cambodia’s agriculture sector since the 1960s when it started sending agricultural experts to improve rice-based research. Other key collaborations include the establishment of the Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) in 1999, a strong partnership with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), and the Cambodia-Australia Agricultural Value Chain Program (CAVAC), which concluded in 2022. In July 2022, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) was launched as Australia’s flagship AUD87 million economic development program. CAPRED aims to support the Royal Government of Cambodia to build sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic growth.

Provincial Investment Plan for Piped Water Supply...

Provincial Investment Plan for Piped Water Supply in Cambodia

This publication has been funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Resources - CAPRED