Announcement Description
1. Background
Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) is Australia's flagship bilateral economic development facility in Cambodia. Funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and implemented by Cowater International, CAPRED focuses on supporting inclusive economic recovery and boosting resilience and sustainability over the five years from 2022 to 2027. CAPRED adopts a mix of a programmatic and facility model. The facility model allows CAPRED to flexibly tackle a range of emerging inter-related public and private sector constraints and opportunities to promote resilient, inclusive, and sustainable growth (RISE) across different sectors.
CAPRED interventions fall under three technical components including: Agriculture and Agro-processing; Trade, Investment and Enterprise Development and Infrastructure Development; and three Cross-Cutting themes: Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI); Climate Resilient initiatives, and Policy Hub.
Bid Components
Request For Proposals for Media Updates
CATEGORY: Call for Proposals
LOCATION: Phnom Penh
RFP Number RFP24-029
Project Name Update on Media Articles, RGC's Policies and Institutional Studies/Reports
Domain Name Policy Hub
Assignment Duration 1 August 2024 - 31 January 2025, with possible extension
2. Expected Activities/Tasks
Delivery of regular (twice a month) media and policy monitoring reports.
3. Expected Deliverables
Summarise important, key, and widely reported articles from the media outlets in Cambodia every two weeks (submitting to CAPRED twice a month, specifically in the middle and at the end of each month). Regular deliverables (twice a month) of media and policy monitoring reports.
4. Purpose
CAPRED seeks to engage a consulting firm to provide the media monitoring reports. This report keeps CAPRED and DFAT informed about important developments in the Cambodian economy and policy space.
Bidder Eligibility
5. Selection Criteria
Submission Requirements
6. Evaluation
CAPRED will use an objective and reliable process to evaluate each proposal. The proposals and responses will be evaluated based on:
Note: While price is a factor, it is more important that the applicant can demonstrate value for money.
Due diligence checks will be conducted on the consulting firm/organization being selected for the RFP prior to awarding contract.
Other information:
7. How to Apply
Please submit a proposal including:
The proposals including Technical and Financial Response Forms must be submitted no later than 5pm (Phnom Penh Time), Sunday 21 July 2024 by e-mail provided in the contact details with "Media monitoring" in the subject line. Any proposals submitted after this time and date will not be considered.
CAPRED is available to answer questions or provide more detail on the scope of work. Please send to email with "Media monitoring enquiry" in the subject line.
RFP24-029 Financial Response Form - Media Updates
RFP24-029 Technical Response Form - Media Updates
Click the link below for the full Request of Proposal for Media Updates Opportunity.
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