The Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development or CAPRED for short, will continue Australia’s long-standing support for Cambodia, dating back to the 1950s.


Amid global supply chain disruptions, and the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the launch of CAPRED marks Australia’s commitment to support Cambodia to build a sustainable, resilient and inclusive economy, with a strong focus on gender equality, disability and social inclusion.




CAPRED will work closely with the Royal Government of Cambodia to achieve this goal through:



The program will expand on the successes of Australia’s two preceding economic programs Cambodia-Australia Agricultural Value Chain program or CAVAC and Investing in Infrastructure Program or 3i. Over ten years, these programs invested nearly AUD 200 million in Cambodia’s development.


More than two million rural Cambodians, including women, people with disabilities, farmers and business owners, have benefitted from these programs. This includes access to basic services such as electricity and clean water, improved rice varieties, and agricultural technologies.


CAPRED will support:



CAPRED will continue Australia’s support for:



Learn more about CAPRED