CAPRED works to ensure all Cambodians benefit equitably from economic growth and development.
CAPRED focuses on supporting the Royal Government of Cambodia’s inclusive economic growth and boosting resilience and sustainability over 5 years (2022 to 2027).
CAPRED works to bring social and economic benefits to all Cambodians. We improve both enabling policies and financial incentives for investment in water and energy infrastructure, especially benefitting women-led enterprises and marginalised groups. We promote investment in and growth of high value-added agriculture and mitigate against emerging climate change threats to protect the environment for future generations.
CAPRED will scale its work (we call our ideas “interventions”) to achieve transformation; use knowledge and evidence strategically; be adaptive and take risks; build lasting partnerships; make gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) core to everything the program does; and integrate climate resilience throughout the program.
CAPRED transformations describe what will result from our work if everything goes according to plan. Our vision of the future is optimistic and challenging but realistic, and it guides everything we do.
Activities, Pilots
Economic Growth
We work closely with the Royal Government of Cambodia and development and private sector partners to build coalitions for change. We find a market niche, remain nimble and flexible, provide additionality, and work in areas not covered by other partners. This additionality often involves assuming risk and leveraging others’ capital or procedures.
In our view, genuine transformation is inclusive and empowering and prepares future generations to adapt to and mitigate climate change risks.