Trade, Investment & Enterprise Development

Cambodia aims to become an upper middle-income country by 2030, having achieved lower middle-income status in 2015. The Royal Government of Cambodia has embraced economic and market diversification and integration as a pathway to this prosperity. The Cambodia Trade Integration Strategy 2019­­–2023 of the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation establishes a strong link between trade and poverty reduction, gender equality and inclusivity.


CAPRED helps the Royal Government of Cambodia to leverage existing and upcoming free trade agreements, including the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the world’s largest free trade agreement. Cambodia also has free trade agreements with China and the Republic of Korea, and takes part in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the World Trade Organization.

CAPRED is working with firms along the value chain to promote Cambodia’s exports. We are assisting with export and branding strategies and identifying priority investments.

CAPRED supports Cambodia to develop a national quality infrastructure policy and strengthen quality infrastructure systems in the agriculture and food export sector. We are building capacity in the public and private sectors to implement standards, accreditation, metrology and conformity assessments. We also advocate to streamline and reduce costs and promote private sector participation.


Cambodia’s growth has been heavily reliant on foreign direct investment, particularly from China. As investment capital becomes scarcer, Cambodia must look at other streams, such as green finance.

CAPRED focuses on supporting national-level policies and legal and regulatory frameworks. Other investments are in our main work areas such as agriculture, climate resilience and infrastructure services.

The 2021 Investment Law offers incentives such as income tax and customs duties exemptions and will significantly engage women, people with disability and marginalised groups in trade and investment. CAPRED provides technical support to develop an implementation roadmap and increase awareness of the new law on investment.

CAPRED continues to support the Agri-Food Investment Desk (AFID) to develop proactive investment strategies and target investors. In 2023, CAPRED facilitated a successful AFID study visit to Australia. CAPRED also works to prepare small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for investment readiness and opportunities.

CAPRED is building capacity in data collection on agriculture, particularly for the evidence base or business case for gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) in agro-processing, trade and investment.

Enterprise Development

CAPRED is working with local SMEs to upgrade their investment readiness, strengthen their business governance and financial compliance, and match them with potential investors and investment funds through AFID.

Read about the recent visit we coordinated with one of Australia’s biggest agribusinesses

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CAPRED is also supporting the Royal Government of Cambodia to develop a user-friendly online process to streamline business registration. Nearly 90% of Cambodian enterprises are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. While these estimated 500,000 enterprises generate 70% of all employment, only 5% are formally registered. The process for registration is costly and complicated, with ongoing fees and licencing requirements. Registration is necessary, however, to access loans and import and export licences, and to establish a brand.

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Own a small business and have not applied for a license to operate yet? We have good news for you. Australia recently supported the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation to launch its Digital Public Service Portal for online business license applications. The portal reduces the time and effort required for applications by streamlining processes, and particularly benefits people with disabilities or those living in remote areas. Through the portal, you can request a Prakas to establish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or handicraft businesses and apply for or renew a license to operate such a business. This initiative aims to boost Cambodia's economic growth by helping to formalise the SME, handicraft, and industry sectors, which represent more than 70% of jobs in the country. Australia is committed to supporting Cambodia to create a business-enabling environment that fosters resilient, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth through its CAPRED program. Ready to get started? Access the portal here: Check out the video to learn more.

Did you know? An estimated 99.8% of Cambodian businesses are micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and 61% of MSMEs are owned by women. Through its flagship economic development program, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED), Australia supported the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) to develop, launch and disseminate the Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion Mainstreaming Action Plan (GEDSI-MAP) 2023–2028. H.E. Lay Navinn, MISTI Secretary of State and Chairperson of the GEDSI Action Group, underscored the importance of the plan in ensuring opportunities for and participation by not only women but people with disability, ethnic minorities and other marginalised groups.

Australia's Support to the Cambodian Rice Sector

Australia’s support to the Cambodian rice sector Australia has provided longstanding support to Cambodia’s agriculture sector since the 1960s when it started sending agricultural experts to improve rice-based research. Other key collaborations include the establishment of the Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) in 1999, a strong partnership with the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), and the Cambodia-Australia Agricultural Value Chain Program (CAVAC), which concluded in 2022. In July 2022, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) was launched as Australia’s flagship AUD87 million economic development program. CAPRED aims to support the Royal Government of Cambodia to build sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic growth.

Australia Supports Cambodia's Small Businesses wit...

Australia is proud to support Cambodia in fosterin...

Australia's Support to the Cambodian Rice Sector

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Agriculture and Agro-Processing

Australia continues to support Cambodia's agricult...

Agriculture and Agro-Processing

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Agriculture and Agro-Processing

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