Request For Proposals for G-PSF Management Information System (G-PSF MIS) Feasibility Study

Funding opportunities

Request For Proposals for G-PSF Management Information System (G-PSF MIS) Feasibility Study

Publish Date:06 Dec 2024
Closing Date:06 Jan 2025

Announcement Description


1. Background


Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) is Australia's flagship bilateral economic development facility in Cambodia. Funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and implemented by Cowater International, CAPRED focuses on supporting inclusive economic recovery and boosting resilience and sustainability over the next five years from 2022 to 2027. CAPRED adopts a mix of a programmatic and facility model. The facility model allows CAPRED to flexibly tackle a range of emerging inter-related public and private sector constraints and opportunities to promote resilient, inclusive, and sustainable growth (RISE) across different sectors.


CAPRED is supporting the Cambodian Government - Private Sector Forum (G-PSF). The G-PSF is Cambodia's peak multi-stakeholder platform for fostering dialogue and partnerships between the RGC and the private sector. Established in 1999, the G-PSF plenary is chaired by the Prime Minister. G-PSF comprises sixteen (16) Working Groups (WGs). These WGs are co-chaired by a government minister and a representative from the private sector. The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) is the main Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) secretariat whereas the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce (CCC) is the private sector's secretariat. Other stakeholders include Business Membership Organisations (BMOs) in the respective sectoral WGs of G-PSF.


CAPRED has been supporting the G-PSF tracking system with online functions of a database that deploys Microsoft Excel. There is an emerging demand for upgrading from the current system to a G-PSF Monitoring and Evaluation system that is online, comprehensive, and has interactive interfaces.


Bid Components


CATEGORY: Call for Proposals

LOCATION: Phnom Penh

RFP Number: RFP24-038

Project Name: G-PSF Management Information System (G-PSF MIS) Feasibility Study

Assignment Duration: February-May 2025 (Commencement date as soon as possible)


2. Purpose and Scope of Works


CAPRED seeks to engage a consulting firm to conduct a Feasibility Study on a G-PSF MIS for the Monitoring and Evaluation of G-PSF. The objective of the feasibility study for the G-PSF Management Information System (MIS) is to comprehensively assess the technical, operational, financial, and organisational viability of developing an integrated MIS to enhance tracking, management, and reporting within the Government-Private Sector Forum (G-PSF). This study will ensure that the MIS supports the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) in executing effective government-private sector collaboration. Specifically, the study should cover key outcomes as follows:



3. Requirements

3.1 Key Tasks and Activities


The main stakeholder in this study is the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC). Outreach will include the line ministries of the Royal Government of Cambodia and private sector members of the G-PSF Working Groups. The selected consulting firm will provide technical assistance to CAPRED and CDC to perform the following five main tasks, adhering to the noted development cycle phases and activities.


The stages of the consultancy are as follows



Bidder Eligibility


4. Qualifications or Specialized knowledge/experience required.


5. Evaluation


CAPRED will use an objective and reliable process to evaluate each proposal. The proposals and responses will be evaluated based on (in no particular order):


  1. Compliance with this Request for Proposal (RFP).
  2. Understanding of and ability to meet the requirements and deadlines as specified.
  3. Supplier expertise and experience with delivery of similar projects.
  4. Expertise of individuals and overall team nominated to deliver the services and equipment. CAPRED reserves the right to reject any individual being proposed and to ask the supplier to provide an alternative.
  5. Past performance relevant to this RFP (as determined by referee checks)
  6. Relevant examples of previous work.
  7. Proposed financial proposal for the services.


Note: Whilst price is a factor, it is more important that the applicant can demonstrate value for money. CAPRED reserves the right to contract more than one supplier for these services and may actively seek to contract more than one supplier to ensure the supply of technical services. CAPRED reserves the right to vary the contract terms, and to exercise the option period at its sole discretion.



Due diligence checks will be conducted on the organisation/s and individuals nominated in the RFP prior to awarding contract/s.


6. How to Apply


The proposals including Technical and Financial Response Forms must be submitted no later than 5 pm (Phnom Penh time), 06 January 2025 by email provided in the contact details with "G-PSF MIS Feasibility Study" in the subject line. Any proposals submitted after this time and date will not be considered.


CAPRED is available to answer questions or provide more detail on the scope of work. Please sent to email with "G-PSF MIS Feasibility Study - Enquiry" in the subject line.



Technical Response Form

Financial Response Form


Request For Proposals for G-PSF Management Information System (G-PSF MIS) Feasibility Study

Click the link below for full Request For Proposals for G-PSF Management Information System (G-PSF MIS) Feasibility Study

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