Request for Proposals An Economic Impact Assessment of the Ban on Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in Cambodia
Announcement Description
1. Background
The Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Economic Development (CAPRED) is Australia's flagship development program in Cambodia which is primarily aimed at encouraging more inclusive public and private investment, and promotes sustainable, inclusive and resilient growth. CAPRED focuses on three pillars: Agriculture and Agro-processing, Trade, Investment and Enterprise Development, and Infrastructure Services. Policy, gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) and climate resilience are integrated into all of our activities.
CAPRED is funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and implemented by Cowater International.
1.2 Asbestos Use and Exposures in Cambodia
Asbestos use in Cambodia has been prevalent primarily in the construction industry, where asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are commonly used for roofing, insulation, and other building materials. All asbestos in Cambodia is imported. The annual consumption of asbestos fibre is estimated to be between 150-250 tonnes. In 2021, Cambodia imported 288 tonnes of chrysotile, but declined significantly afterward. The imports of ACMs far outweigh raw asbestos and peaked in 2021, reaching 8,355 tonnes for asbestos-cement (mainly roof sheeting), followed by friction materials and fabricated asbestos fibres (e.g. thread, woven fabric, clothing or footwear). However, the import of asbestos-cement was down to 3,253 tonnes in 2023
The use of asbestos was popular due to its affordability, fire resistance, and durability. However, the widespread use of asbestos has posed significant health risks to the population and the environment. In 2019, there were an estimated 170 deaths of asbestos- related diseases (ARD) in Cambodia, (144 deaths from lung cancer, 20 deaths from mesothelioma, 6 deaths from asbestosis, ovarian and larynx cancer). The death toll will continue to rise due to the long latency of ARDS and by 2040 Cambodia is predicted to have between 280 and 460 deaths from asbestos exposure
Bid Components
Request for Proposals An Economic Impact Assessment of the Ban on Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in Cambodia
CATEGORY: Call for Proposals
LOCATION: Phnom Penh
RFP Number RFP24-033
Project Name An Economic Impact Assessment of the Ban on Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in Cambodia
Domain Name Policy Hub
Application Closing Date 5pm (Phnom Penh Time) 31 October 2024
Assignment Duration 6 Months, about December 2024 to May 2025
2. Purpose
3. Requirements
3.1 Key Tasks and Activities (Please click Attachment for more details)
3. 2 Deliverables include:
3.3 Quality Assurance
Ensure adherence to international standards for economic assessments and research methodologies. Review and validation of findings by external experts and stakeholders.
Bidder Eligibility
4. Qualifications or Specialised knowledge/experience required
Submission Requirements
5. Evaluation
CAPRED will use an objective and reliable process to evaluate each proposal. The proposals and responses will be evaluated based on (in no particular order):
Note: While price is a factor, it is more important that the applicant can demonstrate value for money. CAPRED reserves the right to contract more than one supplier for these services and may actively seek to contract more than one supplier to ensure supply of technical services. CAPRED reserves the right to vary the contract terms, and to exercise the option period at its sole discretion.
Due diligence checks will be conducted on the consulting firm/organisation/individual nominated in the RFP prior to awarding contract/s.
6. How to Apply
The proposals including the Technical and Financial Response Form must be submitted no later than 5 pm (Phnom Penh time), Thursday 31 October 2024 by email provided in the contact details with "An Economic Impact Assessment of the Ban on Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in Cambodia - RFP" in the subject line. Any proposals submitted after this time and date will not be considered.
CAPRED is available to answer questions or provide more detail on the scope of work. Please send to email with "An Economy Impact Assessment enquiry" in the subject line.
RFP24-033 Financial Response Form - Economic Impact Assessment- FINAL
RFP24-033 Technical Response Form - Economic Impact Assessment- FINAL
Click the link below for full Request for Proposals An Economic Impact Assessment of the Ban on Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in Cambodia
Read moreThe Internship Program for Women in Clean Energy aims to address the significant underrepresentation of women in Cambodia's clean energy sector. Women's participation in technical roles, especially in solar operations, remains critically low due to barriers such as limited access to technical education, societal expectations, and a lack of practical, on-the-job training opportunities. To tackle these challenges, a 6-month internship program has been proposed to provide targeted outstanding recently graduated female graduates from the Institute of Electrical Science (IES) and the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) with technical training and hands-on field experience. The objective is to address the technical skills gap and gender disparity in the clean energy sector by providing internship opportunities for young female graduates at Renewable Energy Generators - solar farms.
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