Request for Proposals for Conduct Feasibility Study on Cashew Processing for Cambodia
Announcement Description
1. Background
The CAPRED Facility is Australia's flagship bilateral economic development program in Cambodia, focusing on economic recovery and resilience over the next five years, with a possible three-year extension. The Facility supports Cambodia in implementing a range of necessary economic interventions and reforms to maintain the country's economic transition. These interventions and reforms are primarily aimed at encouraging more productive and inclusive public and private investment, which promotes a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable economy (RISE).
CAPRED interventions fall under three technical components including: Agriculture and Agro-processing; Trade, Investment and Enterprise Development and Infrastructure Development; and one Cross-Cutting component comprising: Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI); Climate Resilient initiatives, and policy support.
Olam Outspan (Cambodia) Co., Ltd ("OLAM") was established in 2017 and is 100% owned by Olam International Ltd. which is a leading agri-business operating from seed to shelf in more than 60 countries, supplying food and industrial raw materials to over 20,000 customers worldwide.
Investment and business costs are key factors determining competitiveness in any industry, including the globalised cashew- processing sector. A supportive business environment, alongside efficient physical and financial infrastructure, is crucial for sustainable growth in this industry.
Olam Outspan Cambodia is interested in expanding its cashew processing factory to Cambodia. However, competitive challenges persist, particularly uncertainties surrounding business and investment cost structures, and government policies supporting sustainable industry growth.
Bid Components
Request for Proposals for Conduct Feasibility Study on Cashew Processing for Cambodia
CATEGORY: Call for Proposals
LOCATION: Phnom Penh
RFP Number RFP24-034
Project Name Conduct feasibility study on cashew processing for Cambodia
Domain Name Trade, Investment and Agri-food innovation
Assignment Duration December 2024- May 2025
2. Purpose
CAPRED seeks to engage a consulting firm conduct a feasibility study on cashew processing in Cambodia. The primary objectives of the feasibility study are as follows:
3. Requirements
3.1 Key Tasks and Activities
The selected consulting company will perform the following key tasks as part of the feasibility study.
Please click the attachment below for more details.
Bidder Eligibility
4. Qualifications
5. Evaluation
CAPRED will use an objective and reliable process to evaluate each proposal. The proposals and responses will be evaluated based on (in no particular order):
Note: While price is a factor, it is more important that the applicant can demonstrate value for money. CAPRED reserves the right to contract more than one supplier for these services and may actively seek to contract more than one supplier to ensure supply of technical services. CAPRED reserves the right to vary the contract terms, and to exercise the option period at its sole discretion.
Due diligence checks will be conducted on the organisation/s and individuals nominated in the RFP prior to awarding contract/s.
6. How to Apply
The proposal including technical and Financial Response Form must be submitted no later than 5 p, (Phnom Penh Time), Monday 28 October 2024 by email provided in the contact details with "Feasibility Study with OLAM - RFP" in the subject line. The proposal should respond well to the scope of service described in the RFP with a demonstration of the firm's capacity. Any proposals submitted after this time and date will not be considered.
CAPRED is available to answer questions or provide more detail on the scope of work. Please email with "Feasibility Study with OLAM Enquiry" in the subject line.
RFP24-034 Financial Response Form - Feasibility Study with Olam Outspan
RFP24-034 Technical Response Form - Feasibility Study with Olam Outspan
Click the link below for full Request for Proposals for Conduct Feasibility Study on Cashew Processing for Cambodia
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